Thanks for inquiring!
Femme (l'Ange)
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
I plan on blending Gonzalez-Torres' expressions with the work of Barbara Kruger. Conscientization is the goal - to make the audience aware of their personal, subjective biological context as it reflects the societal context of biology it is situated within. Specifically with regards to blood, meat or muscle= animal + mineral.
While my ideas similarly relate to transubstantiation, unlike Gonzalez-Torres I am not prepared to address change or decay. I am going for awareness of self-composition and the correlation of flesh=flesh.
IDEAS: Desired location is a portion of the window-seating in the hallway of the Upper Deck, Campus Center.
1.) Dinner settings: Dishes and flatware made from paper pulp and food made of various rocks, all painted in a fashion to "dress" the materials in their new context, (without entirely covering their original material identities.) Menu listing elemental components or biological data of food composition.
2.) Fabricated steaks laid on a "table runner" made to resemble sewn blood cells. Menu listing elemental components or biological data of food composition -or- 1-3 word message in contrasting value underneath tablerunner.
3.) Curtain of cells backlit (burgundy) by sunny window with 1-3 word message in contrasting value through the curtain.
From Earth ro Sky
Article about Michelle Samour: SMFA Boston Faculty; Michelle Samour, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 2007